Friday, April 19, 2013

The Signers: The 56 Stories behind the Declaration of Independence

Fradin, D. B. (2002). The Signers: 56 stories behind the Declaration of Independence. New York: Walker & Co.

Who signed the Declaration of Independence? Can you name them all? 56 people from 13 different states is a lot of information to know and take in but after you read these awesome accounts from D. Fradin it is easy to figure out who played part in what! Where did the ole saying "sign your John Hancock here" come from? Find out through the story of John Hancock! Who was the financier of the Revolution? I'll give you a hint, it wasn't Carter Braxton. You don't know who that is either? Think of him as the confused party. Check out the book, it is worth knowing where your freedom came from and what America's past leaders were like!

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