1. How many hours did you complete?
2. In a short paragraph or bulleted list, how did you spend your time?
*Passing out papers
*Preping the classroom
*Preparing lessons
*Discussing literacy movements
*Discussing PD hours
3. How did the experience help you to strengthen at least one Kentucky Teacher
Standard? (be sure to name the standard)
Standard 8- Collaborating with colleagues/parents/others
I spent most of my time collaborating with Mrs. McNabb and having her give me advice on how to make a good math lesson that would be good for literacy and good for students that are younger and not as advanced as other students. We also talked a lot about Standards Based Grading because she was the person who began the start of SBG
4. Talk a little about one thing you learned because of this field experience.
I learned that working in a good environment with support from your co-workers is a key component as to whether or not you succeed in the classroom and as I worked with Mrs. McNabb I found that there was an abudance of support in her building for her initiatives to move in SBG and I thought that it was great to see that within a school. I also learned a lot about SBG as well because I didn't realize that it had become so popular in elementary and middle schools.
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